A special  lunch was provided for members of Calderglen High School Befriending Group on Wednesday 19th June 2024 . Lanarkshire Lieutenancy was represented by Deputy Lieutenant Dr Morrison Young  DL.
The group has been serving the local community for the past 15 years with local resident Avril Anderson the key driving force of the group. Sixth year pupils use part of their non teaching time to visit and support local residents- a service greatly appreciated by the community and the pupils. In addition pupils also support the local church food bank by serving as helpers.
The Head Teacher Mrs White thanked those who had attended and rightly complimented the pupils and staff for their input throughout the year as well as during the lunch.
Dr Young commented “This is a fantastic initiative and one making a real difference to the lives of many local residents. I was made extremely welcome and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the project. We enjoyed an excellent lunch produced by pupils and staff of Calderglen High.”

Posted by Gavin Whitefield